Thursday, February 5, 2015

Independent Component 1

(a) I, Sabrina Carrera, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 31 hours of work.
(b) Independent Component hours are up to date.
(c) I worked 31 extra hours at my mentorship.
I'm firm believer that your mentorship is the best place for research. You get to experience things first hand. You get to learn things you wouldn't read about. As for my proof, I couldn't actually take pictures of what I did due to the fact I deal a lot with patient's information. Luckily the pharmacy has an Instagram. I was featured in their flu shot reminder post. (It was a pretend shot.)

My independent component has helped my form my new essential question. With my first essential question, I didn't really know what I was doing. By working extra hours, I was exposed to problems the pharmacy encounters and how they solve the problems. An example would be when one of the retirement homes returned more medication than they were supposed to. We had to check to see why we had so much. We found out that they didn't give a patient their full prescription. Our solution to the problem was to go to the house and give a talk to the people in charge on how important it is to give patient's all of their medication.

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